Frequently asked questions

What happens at my first appointment and how long does it take?

  • You will be asked to sign a consent form before commencing treatment 

  • You will be asked questions about your personal and family medical history. This will help your osteopath to ensure that the treatment you are given is appropriate to your specific needs

  • You will need to answer questions about your complaint. These may include: what makes the pain better or worse, what time of day it hurts, the type of pain (sharp, dull, bruised etc) and intensity of the pain

  • Initial examination includes postural analysis, checking movement in joints and assessing muscle tension

  • Treatment may include soft tissue massage, manipulations, joint articulation, cranial therapy. Your osteopath will use the method of treatment you are most comfortable with, and techniques that are most suitable to you and your complaint.

  • Initial sessions may take up to an hour, because there is more information to gather. Follow up sessions are thirty minutes

What should I wear?

Loose-fitting clothes, preferably not jeans or tight pants. Shorts and a singlet to change into are useful. Although treatment can be performed over clothing, during the initial assessment it is useful to be able to see the spine. You may be asked to expose areas of skin for neurological testing (if necessary) as skin contact is needed.

What should I bring?

If you have filled out an ACC form elsewhere, please bring your letter from ACC confirming your claim number and injury date. Also bring any x-rays, scans (with reports) and specialist letters that relate to the area of pain.

How many treatments will I need?

The number of treatments required is specific to each person and their particular injury or discomfort. We will give you an estimate of how many treatments we believe you will need during the first consultation.

Are osteopaths covered by medical insurance?

You will need to check your individual health insurance plan to see if you are covered. Please ask for a GST receipt from us to claim your osteopathic treatment.

Who can benefit from osteopathic treatment?

People of all ages can benefit from osteopathic treatments to help with:

  • Injury recovery

  • Digestive problems

  • Back and neck pain

  • Muscle pains 

  • Arthritis

  • Headaches

  • Pregnancy related discomfort

  • Joint mobility issues

  • Babies who experience pains or discomfort from muscle and joint issues

Why do I feel sore after treatment?

All osteopathic treatment can potentially lead to the short-term soreness around the area that was treated. This is often due to the body’s changing movements – tissue that has been functioning in a limited capacity is suddenly encouraged back to its normal function. The change will likely be positive and sustainable, but because the tissue is not used to it, the new normal movements may cause temporary irritation.

Are there any risks associated with manual therapy?

While the chance of an adverse reaction to your treatment is extremely small, it is important that you are fully informed so you can make the best decision for your health.
Aspects of your current health may influence the likelihood of having an adverse effect from treatment, but your osteopath will fully discuss these aspects before commencing treatment. It is essential for the success of your treatment that you fully disclose your medical history during these early discussions.

What makes osteopathy different?

Everyone has their own story, including injuries, accidents and pain. Imbalances can develop from various sports, occupations and recreations. Because we’re all different, Remuera Osteopaths develops a unique treatment plan based on each patient’s individual information. We pursue the underlying cause of the issue and aim to focus our treatment on this.